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Economics, Applied -- Hosted by Steven Davis

A podcast that brings evidence and economic thinking to major issues Trailer

"American Lives," 12 March 2025. Steve turns to Stelios Michalopoulos for insights into the sources of meaning, happiness, and hardship in the lives of everyday Americans.

"GenAI in the Workplace," 26 February 2025. Who uses generative AI in the workplace? Will the spread of GenAI tools propel a lasting productivity boom in the United States? David Deming has some answers, grounded in data. Guests: David Deming.

"Immigration and the Education of US-Born Children," 29 January 2025. How do immigrant students in the classroom affect the educational outcomes of US-born children? Tune in to find out! Guests: David Figlio and Paola Sapienza.

"The Chinese Exclusion Act and U.S. Economic Development," 15 January 2025. mmigration, political backlash, consequences. It’s an old story, with many variants. Today’s episode reaches back in U.S. history to consider the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and its economic consequences. You may be surprised by how it played out. Guest: Nancy Qian.

"Economic Sanctions on Russia," 19 November 2024. How have economic and financial sanctions on Russia affected its economy and its war-fighting capabilities? Oleg Itskhoki and Elina Ribakova join host Steven Davis to share their insights on this pressing question and on the broader question of when sanctions do and don’t work.

"New Insights on Remote Work," 31 October 2024. Nick Bloom joins Steven Davis to discuss Return-to-Office mandates (RTOs), Amazon’s RTO, long-distance CEOs, the business start-up boom, employment among people with disabilities, the “child penalty” for working women, burglary, golf, and more.

"Recent U.S. Immigration: How Big? Who? What Impact?," 18 September 2024. How big is the U.S. immigration surge in recent years? What are its fiscal and economic consequences? Join Steven Davis, as he probes these questions with economists Wendy Edelberg and Madeline Zavodny.

"Markets for the People," 4 September 2024. Steven Davis and Glenn Hubbard critique industrial policy as practiced under Presidents Trump and Biden and discuss Hubbard’s vision of how to harness "Markets for the People" to advance prosperity and liberty for all Americans.

"Immigrants and Innovation in the United States," 21 August 2024. Immigrants directly account for one-quarter of the economic value generated by U.S. patents. That’s according to groundbreaking research by Stanford professor Rebecca Diamond. Tune in, as Steven Davis discusses Rebecca’s research on Economics, Applied.

"Coffee Shops and Business Formation," 24 July 2024. Can coffee shops foster business formation in the local neighborhood? If so, how? And under what circumstances? Join host Steven Davis, as he puts these questions to Columbia University professor Jorge Guzman

"Zero-Sum Thinking: Roots And Policy Implications," 10 July 2024. Zero-sum thinking is the idea that one group’s gain is another’s loss. Who holds zero-sum views? Why? How does it shape their policy preferences? Tune in, as Steven Davis probes these questions with Sandra Sequeira, drawing on her recent research.

"Can We Predict Police Misconduct?," 26 June 2024. Can big data and machine learning predict police misconduct? Join Steven Davis and Jen Ludwig as they delve into Jens’s research on this issue.

"The Political Reaction to Immigration," 12 June 2024. Join Steven Davis and Harvard's Marco Tabellini as they delve into the political reactions to immigration, exploring whether economic or cultural concerns drive backlash and how these reactions shape policy outcomes. Plus, a heartfelt tribute to the influential economist Alberto Alesina.

"Whatever-It-Takes Policymaking during the Pandemic," 22 May 2024. Whatever it takes??? Was that the right strategy for central banks during the pandemic? When tried, did it work? Are we still living with the consequences? Join Steven Davis, as he discusses these issues with noted expert, Kathryn Dominguez.

"Two Parents or One? What It Means for Children and Society," 8 May 2024. Melissa Kearney joins Steven Davis to discuss The Two-Parent Privilege, her highly insightful book on the stunning decline in the share of children who live with two parents. Why has this happened? What are the consequences for children and society? How should we respond?

"Russian Economic History – A Conversation With Sergei Guriev," 24 April 2024. Join Steven Davis and Sergei Guriev for a spirited conversation on Russian economic developments in the 19th and 20th centuries, the failures of central planning, and the reverberations down to the present day.

"The Political Economy of Populism: A Conversation with Elias Papaioannou," 10 April 2024. Join Steve and Elias Papaioannou for a lively conversation on the resurgence of populism. Why has it happened? How do economic and political institutions moderate and adapt to populist forces? What are the economic consequences? What’s the outlook for populism and its impact in the years ahead?

"US Labor Markets Since March 2020: A Conversation With Ayşegül Şahin," 13 March 2024. Join Steven Davis and Ayşegül Şahin to learn how the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic spurred remote work, instigated the “great resignation,” drove job vacancy rates to all-time highs, restrained overall wage growth, altered the structure of wages, and made it harder for the Fed to assess the state of the labor market,and more.

"The Power of Proximity: A Conversation with Emma Harrington On Remote Work," 10 Janurary 2024. What happens to mentoring, feedback, and learning on the job when employees work remotely? Tune in as Steven Davis discusses this issue with Emma Harrington.

"Remote Work, Real Estate Prices, And Cities: A Conversation With Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh," 13 December 2023. Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh joins Steven Davis to explain how the remote work revolution affects urban property values, municipal tax revenues, and the outlook for cities. Stijn and Steve also consider how policymakers can and should respond to the challenges facing cities.

"How Flexible Jobs Can Help Women: A Conversation with Suhani Jalota," 29 November 2023. Suhani Jalota joins Steve to discuss her study of how digital jobs can draw women into paid work in countries like India. The jobs, performed on smartphones, help overcome practical barriers to work and sidestep social norms that inhibit work for pay by married women.

"Managing A Remote Workforce - A Conversation with Raj Choudhury," 15 November 2023. Steve and Raj tackle three questions: (1) How do flexible working arrangements affect productivity? (2) Which jobs and organizaitons are (not) well suited to remote work? (3) What does it take to successfully manage a remote workforce?

"Work From Home And Productivity - A Conversation With Nick Bloom ," 1 November 2023. Steve and Nick discuss the big shift to work from home, what it means for productivity, and why the big shift is a blessing.

"A Global Commonwealth, If You Can Keep It, Part 4," 15 January 2020. Steve and Kevin reflect on discussions with Rice, Staiger and Eichengreen.

"A Global Commonwealth, If You Can Keep It, Part 3," 18 December 2019. Barry Eichengreen on the role of the IMF in fostering prosperity, in conversation with Steven Davis and Kevin Murphy

"A Global Commonwealth, If You Can Keep It, Part 2," 18 December 2019. Robert Staiger on the roles of the GATT and the WTO in fostering international trade and prosperity, in conversation with Steven Davis and Kevin Murphy

"A Global Commonwealth, If You Can Keep It," 31 October 2019. Condoleezza Rice on the opt-in international system that arose after World War II and how it fostered prosperity, in conversaton with Steven Davis and Kevin Murphy

Media Appearances

Slap-dash tariffs and uncertainty are taking time from business leaders, says Hoover’s Steven Davis,” The Exchange with Kelly Evans, CNBC, 5 March 2025.

Why the Push to Get Bums on Seats in the Office?This Working Life, ABC Radio News, 1 November 2024.

Taking Stock: As Generations Collide, What Does the Future of Productivity Look Like?” Interview with Amanda Lang on BNN Bloomberg, 15 October 2024.

Two Beers, a Pandemic, and a Workplace Revolution,” Krysten Crawford, Stanford Report, 2 October 2024. A profile of my research collaboration with Nick Bloom, focused on remote work and its implications.

Job Flows, Policy Uncertainty, and Work from Home,” interview with Jon Hartley, Capitalism and Freedom podcast, 9 September 2024.

WFH ‘Here to stay,” Will Boost Small Business Formation,” interview with Kathleen Hays on Central Bank Central, 2 May 2024.

The Great Work-from-Home Divide” in Policy Stories, produced by the Hoover Institution, 11 April 2024

“Meet the Author” interview on the SSRN Blog, Tomorrow’s Research Today, 10 April 2024.

Why remote work `is largely played out’, economist explains,Yahoo!Finance, 2 February 2024.

The New Normal: Working from Home in 2023,” The PIE (podcast), 14 November 2023.

“Is Hybrid Work the New Normal?” CBS News Sunday Morning Show, 5 November 2023. TV interview | Print version

Back to the Office or Work from Home?” BBN Bloomberg, 18 Friday August 2023 (Video)

Remote Work Expands Opportunities for Both Workers and Employers, Says Stanford’s Steven Davis,” CNBC, 11 August 2023. (Video)

Social Distancing in 2023: The Economic Costs of Lingering COVID Fears, The PIE, 11 July 2023 (Podcast interview)

Special Briefing: The Future of Downtown,” The Volcker Alliance, 19 January 2023. (Videocast)

Steven Davis on remote work, changes in recruiting, and business startups after the pandemic,” Econ Focus, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, 19 December 2022. (Print Interview)

WFH … Gone Global,” The Pie, 4 October 2022 (Podcast interview).

What Does Remote Work Mean for Workers and the Economy?Brookings Podcast on Economic Activity, 20 September 2022.

Taking Care of Business: Reimagining the Office of Hybrid Work,” The Weekly Take (Podcast), CBRE, 3 May 2022.

Best of Both Worlds: The Future of Office Is Hybrid Work,The Weekly Take (Podcast), CBRE, 26 April 2022.

Return to Office: Millions of Employees Aren’t Going Back to Working in Person,” video interview, Yahoo! Finance, 19 April 2022. Twitter Clip

Will Traditional Office Hours Become a Relic in Post-Pandemic Workplaces?” TV interview, Fox 32 Chicago, 31 March 2022.

Why Universal High-Speed Internet Access Could Be Worth Trillions,” Chicago Booth Review, 18 March 2022, video production.

EIG American Dynamism Webinar | A Pandemic Silver Lining: Is Entrepreneurship Back? 14 February 2022.

How Should Organizations Manage Hybrid Work?” The Big Question (video), Chicago Booth Review , 1 November 2021.

Video interview on hybrid working arrangements, Bloomberg Quicktake, “Take Focus” show, 9 September 2021 (starting at 11:22)

Working from your living room in your PJ's can be pretty productive! (starting at 1:45), KNX1070 NewsRadio, Los Angeles, 22 April 2021.

WFH… Forever?”, The Pie, podcast discussion with Eduardo Porter and Kate Lister, 8 April 2021. NPR One

How Has the Pandemic Changed the Labor Market?” Chicago Booth Review, 17 December 2020. The Big Question panel discussion with Marianne Bertrand and Matt Notowidigdo, moderated by Hal Weitzman.

The Rebirth of Hong Kong’s Rule of Law,” 4 December 2020. My conversation with Benny Tai, a legal scholar and pro-democracy activist, is part of the Stigler Center webinar series on Freedom of Speech: Hong Kong and the Future of US-China Relations.

Hong Kong: A Conversation with Jimmy Lai,” 22 October 2020. My conversation with Jimmy Lai, an entrepreneur and pro-democracy advocate, is part of the Stigler Center series on Freedom of Speech: Hong Kong and the Future of US-China Relations.

Why this economist says it’s a ‘major mistake’ to continue $600 unemployment benefit,” CNBC interview with Kelly Evans, 28 July 2020

Webinar on Research for Equity in Recovery I: How Job Training Matters, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 1 July 2020. 

COVID-19 Is Also a Reallocation Shock,” with Jose Maria Barrero and Nick Bloom, Brookings Institution, 25 June 2020. Webinar Video

Webinar on Reengineering Your Workforce in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond, EPAY Systems, 24 June 2020.

Unemployment, the Stock Market, and our Economic Future,” Hoover Institution Virtual Policy Briefing (Podcast), 28 May 2020

Pandemic Economics: A Case for Optimism,” radio interview with Tess Vigeland, WAMU National Public Radio, 28 May 2020. 

Why this Economist Says 42% of Coronavirus-Related Job Losses Will Be Permanent,” CNBC, 15 May 2020.

CNN Newsroom, Interview with Poppy Harlow on the economic fallout from the pandemic, 13 May 2020. Transcript

The Case for Optimism,” Pandemic Economics Podcast, Episode 3. Becker-Friedman Institute, 5 May 2020.

"COVID-19: Stock Market Reactions,” Video Interview, Centre for Economic Policy Research, 21 April 2020.

Should the U.S. Bailout Airlines?Chicago Booth Review, 16 April 2020. (Video and transcript)

How Has COVID-19 Affected Businesses?Chicago Booth Review, 15 April 2020. (Video and transcript)

How Has Covid-19 Hit the Stock Market?Chicago Booth Review, 8 April 2020. (Video and transcript)

"Buyback Realities," print interview on stock buybacks in Top of Mind, Goldman Sachs Global Market Research, 11 April 2019.

"Analysts Say US-China Trade Imbalance May Not Be What Really Matters," CGTN Global Business, 8 April 2019.Video

COVID-19: Stock Market Reactions,” VoxEU webcast, 22 March 2020.

“Long-Term Issues Unlikely to Be Resolved in U.S.-China Trade Talks,” CNBC Asia, 28 January 2019.Video

“G-20 US-China breakthrough won’t end trade uncertainty,” CNBC Europe, 30 November 2018.Video

“Trade War Is a Negative for the U.S.” CNBC Asia, 17 October 2018.Video

“President Trump Can Take Some of the Credit,” BBC World, 5 October 2018.Video

“US Manufacturers Reassessing Investment Plans Due to Tariffs,” CNBC Europe, 5 October 2018.Video

"What’s Contributing to Global Economic Uncertainty?”, CNBC, 27 July 2018.Video

Becker Friedman Institute Discussion Section on Labor, Jobs and the Modern Economy: Kevin Murphy interviews Steven Davis, 31 May 2016. Video

Becker Friedman Institute Video Series on Unpacking Policy Consequences: Kevin Murphy interviews Steven Davis on how the regulatory environment shapes business behavior and how regulatory costs create barriers to business entry, 06 May 2016. Video

Becker Friedman Institute Video Series on Names, Faces, and Ideas: Kevin Murphy interviews Steven Davis on how government policy and policy uncertainty affect the labor market and macroeconomy, 18 March 2016. Video

"Can innovation save the U.S. economy?" Steven Davis, Robert Gordon, Joel Mokyr and Chad Syverson discuss prospects for U.S. productivity growth in Chicago Booth's The Big Question video series, moderated by Hal Weitzman. 27 January 2015.Video

"Jobs, Growth, and the State of the U.S. Economy: A Conversation with Steven Davis and Kevin Murphy," International Monetary Fund, 06 January 2015.Video

"U.S. Biz too regulated," CNBC, 05 December 2014.Video

"The Dog that Barked," StoryFirstMedia, November 2014.Video

"Political gridlock, the economy, and your portfolio: Analyzing the damaging effects of government-related uncertainty," Capital Ideas, 18 September 2014. Video

"Millions of job openings, so why aren’t companies hiring?," Yahoo Finance, 04 September 2014. Video

"The Economics of Climate Change: Cocktails and Conversation with William Nordhaus," University Club, Chicago, 16 April 2014. Video

"What's Holding Back the U.S. Economy?," John Cochrane, Amir Sufi and Steven Davis discuss challenges facing the U.S. economy in Chicago Booth's The Big Question video series. 5 February 2013.Video

"The Rocky Balboa Recovery," Fox News, Happening Now, 17 August 2012.

"Can DC Fix the Economy?"  (starting at about 6:45 mark) CNBC Squawk Box, 6 July 2012.

"How Uncertainty Affects the Economy," print interview with The Fiscal Times, 6 June 2012.

"Greece Will Leave the Eurozone," CNBC Squawk Box, 14 May 2012.

"Macroeconomic Policy Driving Markets Volatility," CNBC Squawk Box, 14 May 2012.

NPR Talk of the Nation, "Vulture Capitalism? How Private Equity Firms Work." Guest appearance on 19 January 2012.

"Effect of Public Policy on Market Sentiment," Includes discussion of economic policy uncertainty as a driver of market volatility CNBC Squawk Asia, 14 December 2011.