Selected Speaking Engagements (From April 2007) << Back to homepage
“Immigration: Is There a Way Forward?” Panel hosted by the Donsife Center for the Political Future at the University of Southern California, March 2025.
“How Should the US Economy Adapt to the AI Boom?” Panel discussion hosted by the Hoover Institution Prosperity Program, with Jon Levin, Steven Davis and Justin Grimmer, moderated by Amit Seru, 21 January 2025.
“Extraordinary Labor Market Developments and the 2022-23 Disinflation,” written version of remarks delivered at Hoover Institution Monetary Policy Conference on 2-3 May 2024.
“The Big Shift to Work from Home,” Berkeley Social Science Matrix talk, 26 April 2024. Slides
“Remote, hybrid or return to office: finding opportunity amidst disruption,” panel discussion with Kathy Clemons and Gabriella Kellerman, BetterUp’s Uplift conference, 10 April 2024, San Francisco.
“The Big Shift to Remote Work,” Red de Action Politics, Stanford, 22 March 2024. Slides
“The Big Shift to Remote Work,” CGI Quarterly Macro Forum, Beijing (remote), 21 March 2024.
“The Shift to Remote Work Lessens Wage-Growth Pressures,” Hoover Workshop on Economic Policy, Stanford, 24 January 2024. Slides | Video
“Trends in Remote Work,” Hutchins Center Conference on the Recent Evolution of Labor Markets, Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, 18 January 2024. Slides
“Some Remarks on Economic Power,” Hoover History Lab Conference on “The Changing Nature of Power,” Stanford 13 January 2024. Slides
“The Future of Gateway Cities,” Grosvenor Event, San Francisco, 19 September 2023. Panel discussion with Ken Rosen, Alicia John-Baptiste and Steve O’Connell.
“Working Remotely: Prospects and Implications,” Sun Valley, Idaho, 23 August 2023. Slides
“Sticky Wages on the Layoff Margin,” NBER Labor Studies Workshop, 25 July 2023. Slides
My dialog with Nobel laureate, Michael Spence, at the 10th Asian Monetary Policy Forum, 26 May 2023. Spence’s remarks begin at 8:20, and my dialog with him starts at 51:09. Our dialog focuses on the potential for investments in global public goods (e.g., vaccine production capacity and stronger supply chains) to improve welfare.
Remarks on “The Fed: Bad Forecasts and Misguided Monetary Policy” by Mickey Levy,Hoover Institution Policy Conference: How to Get Back on Track, 12 May 2023. Slides | Written Comments
“The Big Shift to Remote Work,” Institute for Capacity Development, International Monetary Fund, 29 March 2023. Part 1 | Part 2
“The Big Shift to Remote Work,” AMLEDS Webinar, 27 January 2023.
“Path Forward: Working Through Remote Work,” U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, 13 December 2022. Videocast
“The Big Shift to Remote Work,” Hoover Institution Economic Policy Working Group, 30 November 2022. Video
“The Big Shift to Remote Work,” Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Conference on Labor Markets During and After the Pandemic, 18 November 2022.
Remarks on the Present and Future of Work, Hamilton Project Annual Retreat, New York, 12 November 2022.
“Using Surveys to Learn about the Future and Other Hard Stuff,” keynote talk, Central Bank Business Survey Conference, Bank of Canada, 1 September 2022.
“The Remote-Work Phenomenon,” slides to accompany my keynote speech at the World Bank’s Annual Economic Development Conference, 21 June 2022.
“The Big Shift to Remote Work,” slides to accompany remarks at the 69th Annual Chicago Booth Management Conference, 6 May 2022.
“The Work-from-Home Phenomenon.” 15th Annual Real Estate Conference, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 5 April 2022. Video
“The Big Shift to Working from Home.” NBER Macroeconomics Annual panel on The Future of Work, 1 April 2022. Video (at 3:18:40)
“The Big Shift to Remote Work,” slides to accompany remarks to the Flexible Work Council, 23 February 2022.
Some Remarks on Economic PowerKeynote Speech, IZA Conference on The Role of Search and Matching in Macroeconomics, “Application Flows” (with Brenda Samaniego de la Parra) + “Some Critical Remarks on the State of Macro-Labor Search Models and Analyses,” 19 November 2021.
Federal Communications Commission Workshop, “Internet Access and its Implications for Productivity, Inequality, and Resilience,” 5 October 2021. Slides
Keynote talk on “The Big Shift to Working from Home,” Monash Business School Workshop on Economic and Health Sector Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic, 5 October 2021. Slides
“Woking from Home: Why It Will Stick, What It Means.” Remarks to the National Association of Business Economists, 27 September 2021. Video (starting at 1:48:20) | Slides
“Woking from Home: Why It Will Stick, What It Means,” slides to accompany remarks to the Chicago Booth Private Equity Council, 23 September 2021
26 August 2021, “Why Working from Home Will Stick,” European Economic Association/Econometric Society Congress Slides
25 August 2021, “The Big Shift to Working from Home,” Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
27 May 2021, Hoover Institution Workshop on Using Text as Data in Policy Analysis, “What Triggers Stock Market Jumps?” Video | Slides | Paper | VoxEU CEPR | Webpage and Data
25 May 2021, Academic Keynote Speech, “Stock Market Reactions to COVID-19,” ABFER 8th Annual Conference, Slides | Video
13 May 2021, Keynote Speech, ““What Triggers Stock Market Jumps"?” IMF/Federal Reserve Board/American University Biennial Conference on Uncertainty and Economics
17 March 2021, Hoover Institution Economic Policy Seminar, “Why Working from Home Will Stick.”
2 February 2021, CompNet Prodtalk panel discussion on ““COVID and Productivity: One Year After,” CompNet and Banque de France
13 January 2021 “Some Economic Implications of COVID-Related Shocks.” Seminar, Better Policy Project. Slides | Video
16 November 2020 “What to Expect in the Wake of the U.S. Elections,” TV Chosun Global Leaders Forum,” Seoul. Slides.
5 November 2020 “Stock Prices, Lockdowns, and Economic Activity in the Time of Coronavirus,” IMF’s Annual Jacques Polak Research Conference. Slides
3 November 2020 “COVID-19 and Labour Reallocation,” slides, OECD Economics Webinar
23 September 2020 “COVID-19 as a Reallocation Shock and Policies for Recovery,” Institute for Capacity Development, Economics Training Program, International Monetary Fund
2 September 2020 “Uncertainty and Reallocation in the Wake of COVID-19,” slides to accompany webinar for the 51st Annual Money, Macro and Finance Conference.
14 August 2020 “Coping with the Labor Market Consequences of the Pandemic,” IGM Webinar.
23 July 2020 Testimony before the House Financial Services Committee, U.S. Congress, on “The Heroes Act: Providing for a Strong Economic Recovery from COVID-19,” Oral remarks, starting at 44:40. Written testimony.
June 2020 Webinar on Research for Equity in Recovery I: How Job Training Matters, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
June 2020 “COVID-19 Is Also a Reallocation Shock,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. Slides
May 2020 “Unemployment, the Stock Market, and our Economic Future,” Hoover Institution Virtual Policy Briefing (Podcast)
May 2020 “COVID-19 Is Also a Reallocation Shock,” International Monetary Fund
September 2019 “Economic Policy Uncertainty in China: The View from Mainland Newspapers,” IMF/Atlanta Fed Research Conference on China’s Economy.
1 August 2019 Keynote Address, "Policy News and Stock Market Volatility", Conference on Economic Policy Uncertainty and Corporate Policies Around the World, Tokyo, 1 August 2019. Slides
20 June 2019 Keynote address, “Dynamism Diminished: The Role of Housing Markets and Credit Conditions," OECD Global Forum on Productivity, Sydney, 20 June 2019.
17 June 2019 Measuring and Analyzing Business Expectations and Uncertainty, Monetary Authority of Singapore, 17 June 2019. Slides
7 June 2019 Plenary panel on “Sustainable Development in a Dynamic World Order," FutureChina Global Forum 2019, Singapore. 7 June 2019. Media Coverage
28 March 2019 “Escalating Global Uncertainties: The Role of Trade Policy,” TV Chosun Forum, Seoul, 28 March 2019. Slides
29 January 2019 “Trade Wars, Economic Uncertainty, and the US-China Relationship: What’s Next?” Chicago Booth Economic Outlook, Hong Kong
4 December 2018 "Text-Based Insights into Stock Market Behavior," keynote talk, Conference on Applied Macro-Finance, Istanbul, 4 December 2018
9 November 2018 "The Trumpian Trade Policy Shift: Uncertainty, Market Volatility, Investment," slides to accompany remarks at the U.S. Congressional Budget Office 9 November 2018. "Chicago Booth Review version"
2 August 2018 "Text-Based Insights Into Stock Market Behavior," Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research, Industry Outreach Dialogue, Singapore
16 June 2018 "Application Flows," Key Lecture, Conference on Firms in the Labor Market, Goethe University, Frankfurt.
25 May 2018 Moderator, Panel discussion of "Front-Line Perspectives on the Asian and Global Financial Crises," with Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Timothy Geithner and Lord Adair Turner. Singapore
18 April 2018 Policy Uncertainty in Japan," RIETI Workshop on Uncertainty, Trade and Firms, Tokyo. Slides
4 April 2018 "Using Surveys to Measure Business Expectations and Uncertainty," Keynote Speaker, Federal Reserve Board Conference on Risk, Uncertainty and Volatility, Washington, D.C.
3 April 2018 "Text-Based Insights into Policy Risks and Their Effects on Equity Returns, Investment and Employment," International Monetary Fund.
2 April 2018 "Text-Based Insights into Stock Market Behavior," Federal Reserve Board.
31 October 2017 "Application Flows," Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
26 September 2017 "How Can Policy Makers Respond to Populist Politics?", Chicago Booth Review. Edited transcript of my conversation with Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Chicago Booth Professor Raghu Rajan, and JPMorgan Chase International Chairman Jacob Frenkel at the Fourth Asian Monetary Policy Forum, held in Singapore.
25 September 2017 "Policy Uncertainty vs. the VIX: Streets and Horizons,” Federal Reserve Board Workshop on Global Risk, Uncertainty, and Volatility".
6 April 2017 "Regulatory Complexity and Policy Uncertainty: Economic Headwinds on the U.S. Mainland", San Juan, Puerto Rico
15 March 2017 "Trumponomics" and the Implications for the Korean Economy. TV Chosun Global Forum, Seoul, Korea. Slides
10 February 2017 Regulatory Complexity and Policy Uncertainty: Headwinds of Own Making. Hoover Institution Conference on Restoring Prosperity: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives. Slides Paper
7 January 2017 U.S. Policy Directions: Effects on East Asian Economies. prepared for a roundtable organized by the Korea Economic Research Institute. Chicago. Slides
6 January 2017 Comments on "Aggregate Recruiting Intensity," by Gavazza, Mongey and Violante. Slides
4 January 2017 Regulatory Scale, Complexity and Uncertainty: Economic Headwinds of Our Own Making. prepared for the AALS session on the Law and Economics of Regulatory Complexity. San Francisco. Slides
18 November 2016 Economic Policy Uncertainty: Measures and Applications, IMF Institue for Capacity Development, Economics Training Program. Slides
15 November 2016 Panelist, "Is Secular Stagnation the Biggest Challenge for the Next Administration?", American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C. Slides
11 November 2016 Friedman Forum for Undergraduates: "Using Text to Quantify Policy Uncertainty."
14 September 2016 Policy Uncertainty and the Brexit Shock, U.S. Department of the Treasury
18 August 2016 “What Is Singapore’s ‘Secret Sauce’?” Edited transcript of my conversation with Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore, on social and economic challenges facing Singapore at the Third Asian Monetary Policy Forum, edited transcript.
21 July 2016 "Policy Uncertainty and Economic Performance," Dimensional Fund Advisors Investment Forum, Santa Monica, California.
May 2016 Discussant and panelist, "Bank of Korea Conference on Macroeconomic Policy and Structural Reform," Seoul, South Korea.
May 2016 ABFER Panel on "Growth in the Face of Headwinds: What to Do?" Slides
April 2016 “Measuring Economic Policy Uncertainty,” public lecture, National University of Singapore Slides.
April 2016 “Taking the Measure of Policy Uncertainty,” Monetary Authority of Singapore.
December 2015 “Politics vs. the Economy: When Policy Uncertainty Curbs Economic Growth,” speech and panel discussion, Research Institute of Industrial Economics, Stockholm.
December 2015 “Measuring Economic Policy Uncertainty,” Bank of France, Paris.
December 2015 “Exploiting Management to Raise Productivity," Bank of Portugal Conference honoring Jose Silva Lopes, Lisbon Slides.
October 2015 "Regulatory Complexity and Policy Uncertainty: Headwinds of Our Own Making," Hoover Institution Economics Working Paper 15118. Prepared to accompany remarks delivered at the Hillsdale College Free Market Forum in Omaha, Nebraska.
May 2015 Dialog with Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore, at the Asian Monetary Policy Forum, Singapore, Topics: central banking after the Global Financial Crisis, and Singapore's efforts to foster lifelong skills development.
May 2015 "Dynamism Diminished: The Role of Credit Conditions," Goldman Sachs Global Markets Institute Conference, New York.
March 2015 "Measuring Economic Policy Uncertainty," Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Macro Seminar Series, New York.
February 2015 "Labor Market Fluidity and Economic Performance," Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
February 2015 "Using News to Measure Policy Uncertainty and Assess Its Effects," Cubist Systematic Strategies, New York.
January 2015 "Policy Uncertainty and Economic Performance," Fraser Institute, Vancouver, BC
6 January 2015 "Labor Market Fluidity and U.S. Economic Performance," U.S. Treasury, Washington, DC. Slides
6 January 2015 "Jobs, Growth, and the State of the U.S. Economy: A Conversation with Steven Davis and Kevin Murphy, International Monetary Fund. Video
4 January 2015 "What Triggers Stock Market Jumps?" American Economic Association, Boston. Slides
18 December 2014 "Labor Market Fluidity and U.S. Economic Performance," Asian Bureau of Finance and Economics Research and the Chicago Economic Society, Singapore. Slides
October 2014 Walter Heller Distinguished Lecture, Minnesota Economics Association, St. Paul, Minnesota. Slides
September 2014 "Labor Market Fluidity and Economic Performance," National Association of Business Economists, Annual Meetings, Chicago. Slides
August 2014 "Labor Market Fluidity and Economic Performance," Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City's economic policy symposium on Re-Evaluating Labor Market Dynamics, Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Slides
June 2014 Interview: Professor KC Chan, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury for Government of Hong Kong, Chicago Booth Economic Outlook Event in Hong Kong
March 2014 "Improving Productivity: Private, Social and Public Sector Perspectives," Delhi, India. Slides
March 2014 "Private Equity, Jobs, and Productivity," Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Slides
November 2013 "Measuring Economic Policy Uncertainty," Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Slides
18 September 2013 Keynote Speech, 12th Annual CAED Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta on Private Equity, Jobs, and Productivity,with John Haltiwanger, Ron Jarmin, Josh Lerner and Javier Miranda, NBER Working paper No. 19458.
5 April 2013 Conversation with Tharman Shanmugaratnam, ," Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore, 5 April 2013. Two topics: Financial crises, immigration.
1 November 2012 "New Evidence and New Research Directions in the Macroeconomics of Labor Markets," Keynote Speech, Conference on Labor Market Issues and the Macroeconomy, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.
October 2012 Policy Uncertainty and the Economy: A New Index to Gauge the Pain," American Enterprise Institute, 19 October 2012
March 2012 Speaker, "Measuring Economic Policy Uncertainty," Academic Advisory Council, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
February 2012 Keynote Speaker, "Private Equity and Jobs: What’s the Real Story?" Human Resources Leadership Summit, Chicago.
8 January 2012 "What Happened to the U.S. Employment Miracle?" Slides for an American Economics Association panel discussion. (Slides).
19 December 2011 "New Evidence and Research Directions for Macro and Labor Economists." Slides for a keynote address at the 2nd Annual CUHK-Fudan-Tsinghua Conference on the Chinese Economy. (Slides).
9 November 2011 "What's Holding Back the U.S. Economy?" A panel discussion hosted by the Initiative on Global Markets at Chicago Booth. (Video and Slides).
September 2011 "New Evidence on Labor Market Flows and the Hiring Process," Slides for a distinguished lecture at HEC Montreal, (Slides).
June 2011 "New Evidence on Labor Market Flows and the Hiring Process," IAB Conference on Labor Market Institutions and the Macroeconomy, Nuremberg, Germany (Slides).
May 2011 "Financial Crisis, Recession, Recovery, and the Outlook for the U.S. Economy," Presentation for Discover Financial Services, Shanghai.
January 2011 Panel Discussion on Budget Options for the United States, Myron Scholes Global Market Forum, (Forum).
August 2010 Speaker, Remarks on Presentations by Rob Shimer and Gianluca Violante, Econometric Society World Congress. (Slides).
June 2010 Speaker "On the U.S. Economic Outlook," presentation for Discover Financial Services, Riverwoods, Illinois.
January 2010 Panelist, "What's Happening to Unemployment in the Current Recession?" American Economic Association, ASSA Meetings, Atlanta. (Slides).
January 2010 Plenary Lecture, "New Evidence on Job Vacancies, the Hiring Process, and Labor Market Flows," Econometric Society, ASSA Meetings, Atlanta. (Slides).
September 2009 Speaker, "Growth Prospects in the Wake of Economic Crisis," Singapore (Slides).
June 2009 Speaker, “Private Equity and Employment,” Coller Institute of Private Equity, London. (Davis paper).
April 2009 Panelist, “Do Tax Cuts Starve the Beast? The Effect of Tax Changes on Government Spending,” The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. (Davis slides | Comments on “Do Tax Cuts Starve the Beast?” by Christina Romer and David Romer).
February 2009 Panelist, Business Forecast Luncheon, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Singapore
December 2008 Keynote Speaker, “Private Equity and Employment,” Hong Kong Economic Association Biennial Conference, Chengdu, China. (Davis paper).
October 2008 Speaker, “The Economic Impact of Private Equity,” 50th NASBIC Annual Meeting & Private Equity Conference, Palm Beach, Florida.
October 2008 Speaker, “Inheriting the Meltdown: Policy-Making for a Crisis Presidency,” A.T. Kearney Global Business Policy Council event on “The Crash of 2008,” Chicago.
July 2008 Speaker, “Private Equity and Employment,” Meetings of the Econometric Society, Singapore. (Davis paper).
May 2008 Speaker, American Enterprise Institute Conference on “Tax Policy Lessons from the 2000s,” Washington, D.C. (event page | Davis slides | Davis paper).
May 2008 Speaker, University of Chicago GSB Annual Management Conference, Session on “Elections”, Chicago.
May 2008 Keynote Speaker, Mutual Service Corporation Alternative Investment Symposium for Broker-Dealers, Chicago.
May 2008 Speaker, “Private Equity and Employment,” Conference on Private Equity and its Role in the Economy, Chicago. (Davis paper).
January 2008 Speaker, “The Decline of Job Loss and Why It Matters,” New Orleans. (Davis slides | Davis paper).
January 2008 Speaker, “What Happened to Job Security in America?” New Orleans.
November 2007 Speaker, Kauffman Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Data, Kansas City.
September 2007 Keynote Speaker, “What Happened to Job Security for American Workers?” Smith Barney Due Diligence Meeting at Northern Trust Investments, Chicago.
July 2007 Speaker, “Assessing Pacification Policy in Iraq: Evidence from Iraqi Financial Markets,” NBER Conference on Economics of National Security. (Davis slides).
June 2007 Speaker, “Private Equity in the United States: Developments and Issues,” The Japan Project, Tokyo.
June 2007 Speaker, “Financial Literacy and Retirement Planning,” American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C. (event page | Davis slides).
June 2007 Speaker, “Patent Infringement Remedies and Technology Standards,” CRA Conference on Current Topics in Antitrust Economics and Competition Policy, Washington, D.C.
June 2007 Featured Speaker, “Breach of Contract in Complex Commercial Litigation: Damage Theories and Outcomes in the Winstar Matters,” University Club of Chicago. (Davis slides).
June 2007 Featured Speaker, “Towards a Research Strategy for the Sultanate of Oman,” Muscat, Oman.
May 2007 Speaker, “Economic Aspects of the War in Iraq,” University of Chicago Graduate School of Business Annual Management Conference, Chicago. (Davis paper).
May 2007 Speaker, press conference rollout of Understanding Business Dynamics: An Integrated Data System for America’s Future, National Academies of Science, Washington, D.C.
May 2007 Organizer and moderator, “Work, Taxes and Entitlements in America and Europe,” American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C. (event page).
April 2007 Keynote Speaker, “The Climate for Business Development in Puerto Rico,” International Council for Small Business Entrepreneurship Summit, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. (Davis paper).